Monday, February 24, 2025
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New York

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“Charm is Deceitful and Beauty is Vain.” More Simcha Spin

Which campaign doesn’t love spinning and seek the upperhand, shaping the narrative of day. However, sometimes the spin is just simply inaccurate. In this case a coverup over the fear to face a primary challenge.

Simcha Felder, turned down Independence Party line, Chris Bragg reported on Monday.

“Felder was initially offered the line, according to Michael Zumbluskus, a member of the Independence Party’s executive committee who handles many of its downstate operations.

But after discussing the situation with Independence Party vice-chairman Tom Connolly, Felder eventually passed on taking the ballot line because of the party’s connections with controversial psychotherapist Lenora Fulani.

The state Independence Party – led by Connolly and chairman Frank MacKay – have been trying for years to get rid of the New York City faction led by Fulani. And despite the fact that MacKay’s faction was making the endorsement decision in the Senate race — not Fulani’s — Felder decided to turn down the line because a small portion of the party had the taint of past anti-Semitic statements. In 1989, according to the New York Times, Fulani wrote that Jews “had to sell their souls to acquire Israel” and had to “function as mass murderers of people of color’ to stay there.”

Obviously, such associations if played the right way could prove unhelpful in the new, heavily Jewish district.

Reached by phone and asked about the Independence line and how Fulani factored in, Felder said simply that, “The only thing I would say is that I did not seek the Independence line.”

Well, sounds nice and smooth. The real story however is, according to insiders, that both, Simcha Felder and David Storobin reached out to seek the Independence Party line. The reason why Simcha now claims he turned down the so called ‘offer’, is because he declined to face a primary challenge against Senator Storobin, which was the official demand by the Independence Party bosses.

Hesitant to face an opponent, or running away from his record? More Simcha or more Simcha’ clarity?

At least now he will officially be running as a true and loyal Democrat. Oh wait, he still has a primary in September.

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